• Member Since 23rd Oct, 2019


I'm an Autistic person with ADHD, OCD and Asperger's Syndrome who really enjoys the MLP FIM fandom.

Slice of Life 1560 stories
Found 1,555 stories in 97ms

Total Words: 40,387,722
Estimated Reading: 16 weeks



  • Featured 23571 stories Stories that have been featured on Fimfiction ( Automatically populated! )

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This story is a sequel to Stormed Right Into Your Heart

Zipp is mostly seen as a rebellious, smart, and tomboyish mare to say the least. But when with you, she shows her more softer, cuter side to you. But that doesn't mean she isn't the dominant one in the relationship. Especially when it comes to finding your "weak points." You find that out when napping with her one afternoon.

Chapters (1)

One day, we’ll have to say goodbye, one last time. Monsoon Nixie couldn’t do it in public.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Plastered Pony Princesses

In a fit of boredom, Luna decides that while sobriety has had its perks, a good bottle of whisky sounds like just the thing for a hot afternoon.

Only one thing stands in her way: an obstinate shopkeeper asking for identification.

Doesn't he know who she is?

Chapters (1)

Recently crowned Princess of Equestria Twilight Sparkle wakes up after a bender, and tries to piece together what happened.

Perhaps she should be Princess of Wine and Questionable Decision Making instead.


Cover art by Spoosha. Written for the Bean's Writing Group prompt "Where Am I?"

An audio reading by StraightToThePointStudio can be found here.

Featured from 9-20 to 9/23/2021, peaking at #1. Thanks, everypony!

Chapters (1)

It is a strange time for those at Canterlot High. Magic is running rampant, creatures from beyond the cracks have invaded and worst of all, a strange, new being has been causing mischief. But aid comes in the form of a new teacher, one who can help Sunset learn about magic. Learn what it means to be a leader. For she is not a Man of Steel, nor a Dark Knight.

She's a wonder.

I OWN NOTHINGGGGGGGGG! Cover art by Renae De Liz.

Chapters (38)

(This story goes to all fanfiction writers out there.)

As a pony whose bakery compared to others has less fame, less recognition and even less passers-by who visit, this baker strives to make the most of it whilst making important reflections on what makes a bakery famous, what the customers want and what he wants to achieve as a baker himself. Only within those ponderings may he find solitude and growth, establishing new connections with a renewed appreciation for the help, support and views of his customers.

(A huge thank you for Eclipse for first reading, jgilley63 for second reading and alulabelfry for the cover)

Chapters (1)

We just work here. And work. And work.

Look, it’s a long shift, okay?

But for ten minutes (or more), all is right in the world.

An entry for the A Thousand Words Contest III
and The Dialogue Only Contest
and The ‘Not-a-Contest’

Chapters (5)

After Marble Pie sees Big Mac and Sugar Belle together on Hearth's Warming Eve, she tries to pour her sadness and heartbreak into her diary...

If only the other ponies around her could understand how badly she was hurting.

Note: The story deals with elements of depression, low self-esteem, social estrangement, isolation, and suicide. Please be advised.

Chapters (9)

Sequel to A Mother's Love.

Growing up is difficult. However, growing up among an entirely different species is even harder. For the adopted humans of Queen Chrysalis it'll be even worse. As they will experience xenophobia and discrimination from their own subjects. With the love, wisdom and support of their family they will grow to above it. To hopefully one day be a beacon of hope for Changeling-Human relations.

Chapters (12)

Derpy and Dinky Doo travel to the Rumsville Park to enjoy a beautiful trek in the summers day. They encounter a strange man from a far away land who gives out pony rides to little children that can fork up the cash to ride them. Dinky finds out that one of the ponies seems to have a striking resemblance to her clumsy and caring mother.

Title image made by TheLivingMachine02 on DeviantART.

Chapters (21)